Academy 2024
6 Maggio 2024
Academy 2024
6 Maggio 2024
Dungeons & Dragons
- Tournament v.5 -
Game sessions
15th and 16th nov. 2024
Tournament Regulations
"The Ancient Tomb" is the title of the team tournament adventure for Dungeons & Dragons that the group Quelli del DED will present during the Monte San Savino Show 2024.
The tournament will take place on Friday, November 15th, and Saturday, November 16th, 2024. It will be played using the 5th edition rules of Dungeons & Dragons.
Teams of 4 players can participate, with ready-to-use characters (pre-built and organized as a group, as detailed below in the "Characters" section). The adventure aims to engage both experienced players and those new to the game.
Registration requirements
The registration fee is €10.00. Registration is open to everyone, with the only requirement being a basic understanding of the D&D 5th edition Player's Handbook.
Ranking and Prizes The team tournament will award the first-place group. Additionally, a participation prize will be given to each individual player at the beginning of the session.
Formation of Player Groups
1. Players can participate in up to 3 groups, corresponding to the maximum number of available game sessions.
2. Each group must consist of a minimum of 4 players.
3. Individual players or groups of fewer than 4 players can also register; they will only be able to participate once they can be integrated with other groups or individuals to meet the requirement in point 2.
4. One player in each group will be assigned the role of Team Leader, responsible for all submissions, distributions (sheets and materials), and communication between the group and the organizers. Upon appointment, the Team Leader must provide a phone contact (WhatsApp) for any needs or emergencies.
5. Registrations will close on 07/11/2024 or once the 3 available "Game Sessions" listed below are filled.
6. At the time of registration, the Team Leader must provide the name of the group and its participants, a contact number (as per point 4), and the group's preferred participation slot (day and time among those available).
7. Groups are required to arrive at the game room half an hour before the start of their session to confirm registration and prepare for the session.
Game Sessions The game sessions will have a predetermined duration of 2 hours, which can be used to complete the session or part of it.
• Friday, November 15th, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM – 1st Daily Session
• Saturday, November 16th, 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM – 1st Daily Session
• Saturday, November 16th, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM – 2nd Daily Session
• Sunday, November 17th, 10:00 AM – Awards Ceremony
Evaluation Criteria The evaluation method aims to make the judgment of the Dungeon Master and Co-Master as consistent and objective as possible. It will assess the categories considered: advancement and completion of the adventure, interpretation, and quality of play, evaluating both individual players and the group itself according to the guidelines of Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition.
Characters At the time of registration, the Team Leader will distribute the character sheets to the players on behalf of their group.
• Warrior
• Cleric
• Wizard
• Rogue
These ready-to-use characters will be pre-built (race, attributes, abilities, talents, and/or powers) and equipped by the organizers. The character sheets (3rd level) will be handed to the group when they present themselves to the organizers.
Palazzo Galletti, Gamurrini square
15th and 16th of november 2024
Register here sending an e-mail to