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At the basis of the philosophical history of MonteSanSavinoShow:
The G.A.St.Art. association has been planning since 2006 every year in November - with the collaboration and patronage of Monte San Savino Community and Municipality - in the project "A Bridge between History and Fantasy" - the international exhibition-competition of Historical Figurines and Fantasy Miniatures "Monte San Savino Show”: one of the most important Show in Europe, both for the quantity and for the quality of the exhibited works.
The project starts from a passion for modeling in general, passes through Historical/fantasy knowledge and arrives at miniature reproduction. This is accompanied by the profound desire to create an event where all the components are active and present, an event, an exhibitioncompetition created, prepared and dedicated to the people, artists and model makers who participate.
A cozy place, as in the context of the small medieval municipality of Monte S.Savino (AR); a meeting place where the common passion can bring everyone together and where the artistic and modeling aspect is combined with the playful, goliardic and culinary aspect of the territory in which it is carried out.
So here's how here, we can recognize the cohesion between the artistic components, both historical and fantasy ones, which merge every time this event takes place: we hope that this harmony embraces all those who join us here, attracted by the curiosity to see, also, a “miniature world.”
